Vésma Kontere McQuillan
December 17, 2021
Animated logo for the webzine NOFILTER.SPACE by Lene Johansen.
The logo of the modern webzine that is reporting on fashion spaces must go beyond a static graphic image.
The pilot of the animated logo expresses the changes in modern fashion spaces and is available on Vimeo.
NOFILTER. SPACE is a webzine that explores new typologies of spaces emerging in the cross-section where architecture, fashion, and design meet contemporary visual media platforms, such as Instagram. While looking for the proper terminology for those upcoming typologies, we realized that the logo of the modern webzine must go beyond a static graphic logo.

To explore the ideas around the new physical and digital spaces, we decided to experiment with the logo of the webzine. As the first strategy, inspired by Netflix, we choose a movie. We used  ( meet here) video archive since 2015. Lene Johansen ( meet here) makes changes in contemporary graphic design visible with the help of animation and music.